
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How to Stop Automatic App Updates in Windows 8.1 Preview and RT

Windows 8.1preview version is the first update of windows 8 version. It is presently available with free download at Microsoft download portal. Windows 8.1 has provided a welcome feature to update modern-style apps automatically. This type of feature is also found already on your Smartphone for instance when many installed apps are updated in the background itself. Most windows 8.1 users would like to start their apps update automatically in the background.
But, sometimes it can be irritating when you find lists of update notifications of all modern-style apps. Because new app update can consume more internet data if you are using limited internet pack.
Tips to disable automatic app updates on Windows 8.1 and RT
·        Start the Windows Store and bring up the charms bar.
·        Click on Settings and select App Updates.
·        On the next screen you have to move slider to no option with purpose to turn the automatic updates off.  Here you can manually test for updates also.
·        After configuring above settings, you will get a number of new app update notifications on the Windows Store tile. Here you can select app updates which you like to start or deny.

Microsoft has revealed a great feature for the average user epically for windows 8.1. It is not only user-friendly for tech bloggers and power users, but if you’re an IT admin, you might need to know what’s new in the update to make sure it’s not going to break other things you’ve deployed on the company network.

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