
Friday, May 13, 2011

operating System Utility Programs

  • Utility
  • File manager
  • Image viewer
  • Uninstaller
  • Disk scanner
  • Disk defragmenter
  • Diagnostic utility
  • Backup
  • Screen Saver
  • What is a utility program?
  •          System software that performs maintenance-type tasks·     
  •           Also called utility

  • What is a file manager?
    • Performs functions such as copying, renaming, deleting and moving files
    • Image viewer displays contents of graphics file when you double click on it

          What is an uninstaller?

          What is a disk scanner?
          Detects and corrects problems on hard disk or floppy disk
          Searches for and removes unnecessary files

          What is a disk defragmenter?
          Reorganizes files and unused space on hard disk so programs run faster

          What is a diagnostic utility?
          Compiles technical information about hardware and some software
          Prepares report outlining problems

          What is a backup utility?
          Copies selected files or entire hard disk onto another disk or tape
          Most compress files during backup to require less storage space

          What is a screen saver?
          Causes monitor’s screen to display moving image or blank screen if there is no activity for a specified time
          To secure computer, user configures screen saver to require password to deactivate
screen saver


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